Christmas Dinner at Wesley Memorial

We cooked our own Christmas Dinner this year, using both kitchens at Wesley Memorial. Several kind volunteers peeled potatoes, carrots, parsnips and sprouts, kept an eye on the real Christmas pudding kindly made for us, and – supervised by Mary – made sure everything went into ovens or onto stoves at the right time.
Helen organised games to keep everyone entertained.
We were very pleased to be joined by some of the members of Wesley Memorial Church who have supported us over the years.

Setting out the feast



Tucking in

The Christmas pudding

Christmas Bingo

Members contribute a range of chocolatey prizes, and we play Bingo, to redistribute them.
We also have some non-chocolate prizes for those who non-chocolate eaters.
The game is sociable, provides practice in recognising numbers, and for those of us who are learning BSL, an opportunity to practice signing numbers.
We also celebrated a birthday, with a thoughtfully chosen, non-chocolate, birthday cake.

Zumba – preparing for Zumathon

George Martini came, and we had another great Zumba session, which included two routines which we will perform at the Zumathon in December.

Here we are, with a mixture of dance styles – having a good time.


Normal Club with sports

As well as chatting in the Hall, as we often do, we played hockey in the Hall.

Normal Club night with games

After a summer break we try to have a few normal club nights at Wesley Memorial to give members, potential members and visitors a chance to find us.
We also played a few games.

George and Laura playing pool on our miniature table.

Post Summer Holiday catch up.

It was good to get back together after the summer break to find out what we had all been doing.

Slideshow of Summer Holiday pictures

One of the highlights was Darren and Maria’s wedding. We brought back napkins and table decorations from their wedding and Kathryn baked a cake. This gave everyone an opportunity to celebrate with them.

We also, as usual, chatted a lot – being especially pleased to see some new faces, and to renew contact with people we had not seen for a while.

Wheelchair Dancing with George Martini

Instead of the Zumba we usually do with him, we had a session of Wheelchair Dance led by George Martini.
Unfortunately the only pictures look much more static than the actual dancing, which took us forward and back, and round in circles, with clapping and changes of direction.

Normal Club with Crafts

We had a crafts night at Wesley Memorial Church, with a wide variety of activities, and some beautiful results to treasure.

Film Night at Wesley Memorial

Sometimes we like to look back on holidays, weddings and other memorable times.
We spent the evening, with popcorn, looking at old movies and pictures.

Normal Club with Hama Beads

It had been a while since we had the Hama Beads out, so members had an opportunity to make decorative items with them.