Annual General Meeting 2023

Our AGMs tend not to be filled with drama, and this was no exception, however we appreciate the effort our members take to come in and attend on a miserable November evening.

After many years as chair, Helen stepped down, although she remains on the committee and will continue to be a great help. Her contributions over the years are very much appreciated.

Tom was elected as our new chair, leading us through the second half of the meeting.

The treasurers report noted that we have spent more this year – largely because we subsidise our Holiday to Avon Tyrrell and the South East Weekend to make them affordable to our members. Our fundraising income was lower this year too, but our reserves are sufficient for this not to be an urgent problem. The committee will discuss fundraising and ideas – especially if accompanied by a plan and action – from members are welcome.

We also filmed our Christmas song – this year it was Jingle Bells.

Wednesday Coffee at Wesley Memorial

Wesley Memorial has been running a Wednesday Coffee morning for many years, welcoming regulars and newcomers alike. As not all Phab members can make it into town on a Friday night we have some Wednesday mornings when some of the committee make a special effort to be there to meet up with any members who are able to come.

The members who came enjoyed their coffee (or tea) and biscuits, and a relaxed chat, amongst ourselves and with friendly members of the public.