Brass Band Concert

The National Methodist Youth Brass Band came to Oxford for the weekend, staying at Wesley Memorial Church, and giving a concert on Saturday night, to which Phab were invited.

They played a varied and entertaining programme of music, interspersed with introductions to some of the band members, and their various experiences, such as the punting some of them had been doing during the day.

At the interval there were tasty cakes baked by members of the Wesley Memorial congregation.

The event raised over £500 for the Rose Hill Community Cupboard, a local charity.

An evening of Drumming.

The Reverend Peter Powers, minister at Wesley Memorial Church, is a man of many talents, including drumming. He brought a selection of drums, mainly djembes, with him and we had a great evening, learning about the drums make different sounds depending on where and how they are hit, and then jamming along to make music ourselves !

It was an activity everyone could participate in, and revealed some unexpected talents and enthusiasms in out members. We look forward to Peter’s return for another session !