We received a warm welcome at The Red Lion in Kidlington, where they had set an area with two long tables aside for us. The meals were tasty and excellent value, and we enjoyed getting together, chatting and eating before we break for Easter.
Category: Meals out
Halloween magic with Banbury Phab
We have been meeting up with Banbury Phab for 42 years, but have not seen them since their Halloween disco in 2019. Thirteen of us (an ominous number for a spooky night) went in our minibus to Banbury, where we were made welcome with hot dogs and Halloween themed snacks.

Several Phab members, both from Oxford and Banbury, had put a lot of effort into seasonal costumes, and one of our members was awarded first prize for her costume with green face paint, and real ivy. Helen, our chairperson, was looking very witchy with her blue wig, witches hat and Hogwarts gown.
We also had a selection of terrifying accessories…

The main event of the evening was a magician, who performed some incredible tricks, even more amazing as we, the audience, had a view from the sides as well as in front of him, as he made things appear and disappear, chopped up and restored a piece of rope and borrowed, and eventually returned – intact – items such as a watch, a mobile phone, a signed ten pound note, and a ring, from members of the audience.

Meal at Hinksey Heights Golf Club
We had a very tasty meal at Hinksey Heights Golf Club. Although we were in a marquee the last time we went the weather was unsettled so we ate and chatted in The 19th Hole.

Conversations ranged from Tall Ships to Tall (and not so tall) People, and we got to catch up with some old friends.
I wonder what Simon is so happy about ? Ah – that explains it !
Glorious Evening at Hinksey Heights Golf Course
The weather had been much too hot for our originally planned event, of a walk round Farmoor Reservoir, so the friendly people at Hinksey Heights Golf Course accommodated our last minute request to meet there, and we were able to put in some food orders in advance.
We were able to chat, eat and drink in the shade, looking back on our recent trip to Avon Tyrrell, and letting members who had not had a chance to come hear all about it.
We also celebrated some recent birthdays with cakes and cup cakes !
Night out at Hinskey Heights Golf Club
We returned to Hinksey Heights Golf Club for an evening in fresh air, plenty of sunshine and stunning views over Oxford.
Even though the Golf Club can not be reached by public transport, a combination of our minibus and member’s cars meant that we managed to get quite a few members there, to order drinks and food, chat and catch up.
We are looking forward to continuing to get together, though we do ask anyone intending to come to Phab events to stay away if they have symptoms which show that they might be infections.
Hinksey Heights Golf Course gathering
Once again we were made very welcome at Hinksey Heights Golf Course. We had been going there, on and off, every since we were fortunate to be their Captain’s Charity of the year in 2016. As some of our members are clinically extremely vulnerable to Covid we are looking for well ventilated places to meet, and they have a marquee we were able to use.
They were also able to provide table service for food and drinks, which was much appreciated.

We look forward to going back there again.
An indoor picnic at Kennington Church
We very much enjoyed our last picnic at Kenninton church, and once again the kind church people opened their doors to us for another picnic, this time literally.
The weather was much less kind, and the rain soon drove us inside, which fortunately is a large, well ventilated space. Due to the weather, and some members being away on holiday, there were only 7 of us, but one was someone we have not seen for a while but was a member when we went to Holland, and on narrowboat trips, so the old hands could reminisce, and members who had not been could hear about those times.
Walk at Farmoor Reservoir
After a long spell of not being able to meet in person, Oxford Phab are looking for safe ways of getting together. We followed up our Picnic at Kennington Church with a walk at Farmoor Reservoir.
About a dozen of us met at the car park, and made our way up the slope to benches out side the cafe, which was closed for the day. Then those of us who had bought picnics ate them, and we chatted, and enjoyed the view, including some rapidly moving sailing boats.
Once everyone was ready we set off to walk across the causeway which divides the reservoir in two. We enjoyed seeing the ducks, grebes, cormorants and coots as well as, for some of us, the joy of finding a new place with level access.
By the time we had returned to the car park and everybody who was being collected had departed the sun was setting, a lovely sight over the waters of the reservoir.

We look forward to coming back to Farmoor again.
Picnic at Kennington Church
Oxford Phab has not met in person since Tom’s quiz in March 2020, due to the need to stay safe during the Covid Pandemic. We are really grateful to St Swithun’s church in Kennington for allowing us to meet in their lovely grounds and bring food to have an open-air picnic.
The weather was perfect, very sunny, with a gentle breeze, and would have been too hot, but for the shade provided by the trees. There was also a lovely wildflower meadow.
It was such a change to see people in real life again, and although video meetings are much better than nothing, they do not suit everybody, so we have not seen some members for over a year.
We even celebrated a birthday – with cup cakes for covid-safety.

At the moment nobody knows what the future holds, but it was good to get back to Making More of Life Together.
Barbecue at Botley WI Hall
As we had heavy rain last year for our Barbecue at Simon and Sarah’s House, and it had rained at the Barbecue the previous year as well, the committee decided to plan for all eventualities this year. We hired Botley W.I. Hall for the evening, which turned out to be a good decision.
Simon still proved his mettle as master of the barbecue, ably assisted by Chris, and wisely lent us one of his two new gazebos in case it was needed – it was!
We erected the gazebo and got the barbecue started before most members arrived, when – luckily – it was not too wet.
By the time hungry members started to arrive it was wet !

Luckily there was plenty of space for people inside – this picture was before most people arrived.

We carried on cooking burgers (meat on the left side of the barbecue), vegetarian kebabs (we kept the right hand side of the barbecue meat free), vegetarian sausages. Inside the W.I. Hall we were cooking Chicken, the non-vegetarian sausages and preparing salads, setting out buns for burgers and rolls for hot dogs, serving drinks etc. There were also a selection of cheesecakes and other deserts.
Unfortunately there are no pictures of this feast, and the next stage was loading the minibus, packing away the gazebo, clearing the kitchen, sweeping floors etc.

So that we could leave the W.I. Hall looking tidy.