We have been meeting up with Banbury Phab for 42 years, but have not seen them since their Halloween disco in 2019. Thirteen of us (an ominous number for a spooky night) went in our minibus to Banbury, where we were made welcome with hot dogs and Halloween themed snacks.

Several Phab members, both from Oxford and Banbury, had put a lot of effort into seasonal costumes, and one of our members was awarded first prize for her costume with green face paint, and real ivy. Helen, our chairperson, was looking very witchy with her blue wig, witches hat and Hogwarts gown.
We also had a selection of terrifying accessories…

The main event of the evening was a magician, who performed some incredible tricks, even more amazing as we, the audience, had a view from the sides as well as in front of him, as he made things appear and disappear, chopped up and restored a piece of rope and borrowed, and eventually returned – intact – items such as a watch, a mobile phone, a signed ten pound note, and a ring, from members of the audience.