For various reasons quite a few of our key members found it difficult to come to Wesley Memorial Church for out Annual General Meeting, however we were able to run it as a hybrid meeting.
Tom, our Chair conducted the meeting, as we accepted the minutes of the last meeting, and elected a new committee from the nominations which had been submitted earlier. His review of the year reminded us of all the good times we have had together.
We postponed a decision on the Roy Lewis Award, the recipient of which will be decided by the committee, rather than the full meeting.
We accepted an updated Safeguarding Policy, and are grateful to Mary for her Safeguarding expertise in creating it to fit our needs. We will schedule Safeguarding training into our next programme.
The Treasurers report showed that, although we have sufficient reserves, we are running at a deficit, and we discussed fundraising options.
Although not the most exciting of Club Nights, it is an opportunity for the whole membership to see the more administrative side of the way the club works, and to provide ideas on where we should be going.
As the nights draw in, and it is dark and cold outside it can be hard to get going on a Friday night, but luckily George Martini came to do a Zuma session with us.
In the interests of solidarity we had a seated session, but that did not mean that we were not using a lot of energy. George’s infectious enthusiasm swept us away, and we are really looking forward to his Zumba session at the Phab Fun Weekend
Normally we play Boccia in the Hall, but as the church had been booked for a science fair and the John Wesley room were we normally chat was laid out of lectures so we resorted to the Atrium (which is a pleasant space, but a bit long and thin to chat, and has a slight slope – not ideal for Boccia.
Luckily there was enough room in the main part of the church – and most or the chairs had been moved – so this became our Boccia area.
And a good time was had by all – they had even put up festive bunting for us!
Last year’s holiday in Avon Tyrrell was so successful that as soon as we returned from it we booked again for this year, and members who had been on, or heard of the previous trip started looking forward to it.
We travelled in our minibus and 5 cars, which allowed some members a later departure to come after work, but the majority set off from various locations around Oxford before 11am, and arrived at Avon Tyrrell at lunchtime. We sat in the sunshine and enjoyed the packed lunches we had brought.
Some of our more mobile and adventurous members wolfed down their lunch and tackled the Tree Top Trail, making their way on wobbly ropes and other obstacles though the trees, ending up sliding down a zip wire.
After 3pm we moved into our cabins and unpacked, and awaited our new innovation. Last year we had seen a Tesco delivery to the campsite, and resolved to try this ourselves. In previous years we have had to shop on previous days, store all the food for the group, and pack and transport it in the minibus along with our luggage. This year it all arrived in a van, and and was swiftly moved into fridges, freezers and store cupboards.
Although we had just stocked up on food there is nothing like Fish and Chips eaten by the sea, so we placed an order at Mr Pinks and set off for Milford-on-Sea.
When we returned to Avon Tyrrell to chat and play games we were able to enjoy a beautiful sunset.
Traditionally we like to start with a good cooked breakfast, with bacon (if wanted), eggs, sausages (with a vegetarian option), beans, mushrooms, tomatoes, toast etc. This set us up for an active day.
We divided into groups so that everyone who wanted to could do Climbing, High Ropes and Canoeing, all coming together in the middle of the day for a picnic lunch by the lake.
Avon Tyrrell have a climbing wall tower offering different degrees of difficulty. They also have seat harnesses which can provide additional support for a wheelchair user, and most importantly, experienced instructors who know how to use the equipment to give people of all abilities a safe, yet personally challenging experience.
Getting kitted out for the climbing wall.
High Ropes
The High Ropes are really high
Martha on the Leap of FaithTom going for a swingTrisha going highThe wire tightrope is very high, and it wobbles!
Picnic lunch
Before we started the day’s activities we had made sandwiches, which we ate by the lake.
Despite having had a substantial breakfast we found an active morning in the open air had given everyone a good appetite.
At the lake they lash two canoes together for stability and to have a hoist for safe boarding.
The hoist in actionLooking after the wheelchair
Dinner time
All our various afternoon activities we were gathered Avon – the largest of the cabins we were staying in – for a meal of pasta carbonara or pasta with tomato and basil.
After we had eaten Simon, our pyromaniac-in-chief, presided over a fire where we toasted marshmallows and sang campfire songs.
The day started very early for some as one of our members, who had gone to bed early on Saturday evening, was becoming worse rather than better, and around 2am we rang for an ambulance. As it had been a Saturday night on a fine evening the ambulance service was very busy with revellers who had come to harm, and we were a long way from the concentrations of people. As our member’s condition was alarming but not immediately life threatening I waited up, watching for the ambulance which arrived around 8am taking the patient to hospital – accompanied by Mary, our club leader, in a car. All this happened before most of our members were awake.
Sunday morning breakfast was simpler, but still plentiful, with cereal, toast, yoghurt and fruit available and plenty of fruit juice, tea and coffee. We then washed up, stripped beds and packed our bags and the kitchen utensils and uneaten food so we were ready to depart after lunch
Archery is very popular with our members. This is due to the friendly and encouraging staff and the special brackets they have which hold a standard longbow and allow it to be fired by someone who would not otherwise be able to participate.
Homeward Bound
We had booked a roast dinner (with vegetarian option) at Avon Tyrrell house. This meant that we only had to load the minibus and other vehicles and we were ready to depart. As Mary, the member who was still causing us concern, and a car, were still at the hospital we had to rearrange our homeward arrangements regarding who was in each vehicle. Some members were not returning to Oxford but were travelling on to another holiday, but this was not unexpected.
Luckily we were able to rendezvous with Mary and the recently discharged patient at Sutton Scotney services. A combination of a recent change in medication and anxiety over being in unfamiliar surroundings had caused their symptoms, and there were able to transfer to the minibus for the journey home.
With a universal feeling of relief we were all looking forward to getting home and glad that our worries were over…
Or were they?
An accident on the A34 just north of the M4 junction had closed it completely in the Northbound direction. The minibus has a Satnav, but it is not aware of traffic conditions, and only ‘knows’ that the closed A34 was the best way to Oxford. Chris, who was driving does not know the area around Newbury, and there was no one on the minibus who could act as a navigator. Fortunately I was a passenger in one of the cars behind, but mostly in sight of, the minibus, so was able to send directions, over a mobile phone. The roads we used were very minor, often only wide enough for a vehicle in one direction, and were filled with northbound traffic. Anyone who had intended to go in the other direction must have changed their minds, so we made slow but steady progress. The battery levels on my phone dropping worryingly and as a rear seat passenger I had no way to recharge it , so it was a huge relief when we finally emerged back on the the A34 north of the incident and were able to finally get everybody home.
From time to time we all like to get together and watch a film – and tonight the cinematic experience was enhanced by popcorn – in a choice of sweet or salted!
A car and a minibus set off from Oxford, fortunately not in the rain, on the morning of Sunday the 7th of July – heading for Windsor Great Park, where Parallel Lives had brought together a number of charities, including Phab for an event.
Fortunately, although the weather had been very wet, it was not raining when we arrived, and there were some walkways which are a huge help when people with wheelchairs need to move over fields, particularly when it has been so wet.
National Phab had a marquee, with a low stage, and John Kelly and his friends were setting up as we arrived.
Also in the marquee were the co-chairs of Phab, Mik Scarlett (shown here), and Dawn Vickers (not in these pictures, but she joined us on stage for our signed song later on)
Unfortunately as this point one of our members started feeling chest pains, and the on-site first aid staff examined him and said that he should be taken to Accident and Emergency at the nearest hospital for a proper checkup.
Fortunately we had a car as well as the minibus, so the spare coats etc of the car passengers was transferred to the minibus, and our car driver took him to hospital. Once had had been checked over and declared fit to be released (quite a bit later that day), he was released and driven back to Oxford.
Meanwhile, slightly depleted in number, we were on stage for our signed song. This was so well received that we were asked for an encore – something we had not expected – however the resourceful Helen knew a suitable song which she could sing and sign, and we followed her signing.
We yielded the stage to Epsom & Ewell Phab, while outside the heavy rain started in earnest and the Phab tent suddenly became very popular.
When the rain stopped there was a rush for the burger van, and I believe Ellie Simmonds was speaking on the main stage.
Queue to order burgersHungrily waitingCrowd at main stage
Burgers in hand we made our way hastily to the Long Walk, where the Sensory 1K was about to start, and joined the rest of Oxford Phab.
For the last section Trisha left her wheelchair behind and walked, cheered on by us, and by Ellie Simmonds!
Amazingly after that it stayed dry as we loaded the minibus and returned to Oxford, tired, but having had a good day out.
We did receive some sponsorship from the event, but more is always welcome, via our Donate page.
The National Methodist Youth Brass Band came to Oxford for the weekend, staying at Wesley Memorial Church, and giving a concert on Saturday night, to which Phab were invited.
They played a varied and entertaining programme of music, interspersed with introductions to some of the band members, and their various experiences, such as the punting some of them had been doing during the day.
At the interval there were tasty cakes baked by members of the Wesley Memorial congregation.