Noodle Night

Having taken orders beforehand – complicated by having had the previous Phab cancelled due to snow, a delegation went to collect our order.
The previous Noodle Night, and the one before that, our order had been very neatly labelled, but we must have picked a busy night. The boxes had been marked with numbers from their menu, but many of the numbers had not survived the journey to the church, leaving us with some detective work to do !
Fortunately we got them right and everyone enjoyed their meal.

Quiz Night

Robin had carefully prepared his quiz. This time being well up on the full range of Star Wars movies would have been an advantage, and we did manage to do quite well on that. Unfortunately my knowledge of Gladiators, was limited to having seen the trailers, but Sarah boosted our team’s score significantly on that one, so we ended up in equal first place !
All the teams shared the chocolatey rewards.

Christmas Dinner at Wesley Memorial

We cooked our own Christmas Dinner this year, using both kitchens at Wesley Memorial. Several kind volunteers peeled potatoes, carrots, parsnips and sprouts, kept an eye on the real Christmas pudding kindly made for us, and – supervised by Mary – made sure everything went into ovens or onto stoves at the right time.
Helen organised games to keep everyone entertained.
We were very pleased to be joined by some of the members of Wesley Memorial Church who have supported us over the years.

Setting out the feast



Tucking in

The Christmas pudding

Christmas Bingo

Members contribute a range of chocolatey prizes, and we play Bingo, to redistribute them.
We also have some non-chocolate prizes for those who non-chocolate eaters.
The game is sociable, provides practice in recognising numbers, and for those of us who are learning BSL, an opportunity to practice signing numbers.
We also celebrated a birthday, with a thoughtfully chosen, non-chocolate, birthday cake.

Zumba – preparing for Zumathon

George Martini came, and we had another great Zumba session, which included two routines which we will perform at the Zumathon in December.

Here we are, with a mixture of dance styles – having a good time.


Normal Club with sports

As well as chatting in the Hall, as we often do, we played hockey in the Hall.