Cowley Road Carnival

Cowley Road Oxford

Unfortunately we do not have enough members available for a stall here to raise our profile, and maybe fundraise a little, as we did in 2015 and 2016. Hopefully some members will be able to go on their own account and enjoy the experience.

Treasure Hunt

Wesley Memorial Church New Inn Hall Street, Oxford, Oxfordshire

Start at WMC and then around city centre.


Simon and Sarah's Ock Street, Abingdon

Please pay £5 towards cost of food by 14th July.


Garden Party

The Stocks' Oxfordshire

Please see Mary for details.


Club Night

Wesley Memorial Church New Inn Hall Street, Oxford, Oxfordshire

Curiosity Carnival

Visiting University Museum at 7:15pm  - meet outside at 7:00 Visit Ashmolean at 8:30pm Tickets are booked, so only booked members.

Christmas Meal

Wesley Memorial Church New Inn Hall Street, Oxford, Oxfordshire

Traditional Turkey Dinner with Vegetarian option £10 to be paid by 1st December.
