Sponsored Walk. Come along and raise funds for our club. The fancy dress theme is Musicals and there is a competition for best individual entry and best club entry. Kelly from Oxford Phab won the Individual entry last year Official Opening by Ed Stewart, President of Phab at the Bandstand at 11am. As well as … Continue reading Heartbeat Hike
Come to raise money for our club and have fun at our Zumbathon. Zuma with George Martini from 11am to 12:30pm - £5 Refreshments available from 10am to 2pm.
Wesley Memorial church and Oxford Phab members and supporters are welcome to the Annual Church Garden Party at the Stocks'. Swimming and games from 2:30 pm, cream teas at 4:15. Several people have baked and generously donated cakes and scones, and the Stocks have made their garden available. All proceeds to Oxford Phab.