19:15 - 22:00 Normal Club with games and hot dogs. 30 October 2015 @ 19:15 - 22:00 Normal Club with games and hot dogs.
19:15 - 22:00 Pub Night at The Narrows, Abingdon 6 November 2015 @ 19:15 - 22:00 Pub Night at The Narrows, Abingdon Don't forget to bring money for drinks
19:15 - 22:00 Murder Mystery Evening 13 November 2015 @ 19:15 - 22:00 Murder Mystery Evening The cost of £6 (special rate for Phab members), includes supper. This event is raising money for the Wesley Memorial Open Doors project. £6
2015-11-20 South East Fun Weekend South East Fun Weekend 20 November 2015 - 22 November 2015 South East Fun Weekend Get away to the seaside and meet Phab members from all over the South East. Bookings for this event have already been taken.
2015-11-20 Phab South East Fun Weekend Phab South East Fun Weekend 20 November 2015 - 22 November 2015 Phab South East Fun Weekend Forms available from Mary. Places limited £140
19:15 - 22:00 Normal Club with Annual General Meeting and Christmas Crafts 27 November 2015 @ 19:15 - 22:00 Normal Club with Annual General Meeting and Christmas Crafts Annual General Meeting commences at 8pm. Nominations for committee to Mary Eddy (Secretary) by Friday 6th November. Normal club from 7:15 pm.
19:15 Normal Club with Zumba 4 December 2015 @ 19:15 Normal Club with Zumba Zumba with George Martini.