Barbecue at Simon and Sarah's

Simon and Sarah kindly invited us to a barbecue at their house. Unfortunately the warmth of the weather did not match the warmth of the welcome, and we sheltered under gazebos from the showers.

We enjoyed burgers, chicken legs, hot dogs (and vegetarian options).

If you look at the right of the picture, you may recognise the keg of beer.
It came from the Captains Day at Hinksey Heights,
and this was a chance to put it to good use.

Not a lazy Sunday at Avon Tyrrell – breakfast, more activities, and packing to go home

Breakfast was not as elaborate as the Full English we had on Saturday, we had a tasty continental breakfast instead.

We followed this with more activities. People who had not had a chance to do the High Ropes on Saturday now had a chance.

All this activity gave us a good appetite for Chicken Casserole for lunch.
We packed out bags, loaded the minibus and cleaned the chalets.

Finally we had the group photography – always an activity in itself  !
Here Helen and Simon are setting up cameras on auto timers to take the picture of the group gathered outside the cabin.

Archery at Avon Tyrrell

We brought out our inner Robin Hood in a couple of Archery sessions, split into two groups so everyone had plenty of opportunity to have a go.
Once again they had a gadget which allows archery, using a standard bow in a clamp, with a gate latch to release the bowstring.

Everyone who wanted to was able to have a go at archery.

This is just a selection of those who took part.


Games Night at Banbury Phab

We had a great time at Banbury Phab, who had kindly invited us to their games evening.  They had  wide variety of games, from putting to seeing how many marbles you could spoon into an upside down flower pot in 30 seconds. Many of them had been made by their club leader, Barry, over the years, including his amazing switch game.

Bar skittles, also known as Devil among the tailors.

Getting marbles into a flowerpot is harder than you might think.

The marble maze requires patience and concentration – this shows a particularly tricky section of the maze.
They were also celebrating two birthdays, so we had birthday cake as well !
Thank you Banbury Phab !

Zumba – with Tango !

We always enjoy Zumba, and George Martini had us try some dances in a different style, rather like a cross between the Zumba we had been doing and the Wheelchair Dance we did in February.

Here we are in action !

As well as dances in lines there were dances in a circle – this one was taken while dancing, so the room as well as the dancers seems to be moving !

We even did a tango – but participating and filming a circle dance is possible, but a tango would be too tricky !
We all really enjoyed the session and look forward to more Zumba in future.
To fund out activities we will be taking part on the Oxford Fun Run on May 6th, so please consider sponsoring us.
Visit my fundraising page on BT MyDonate