Did we enjoy our traditional trip to the Pantomime at Oxford Playhouse ?
Oh no we did’nt
Oh Yes we Did !!!
As in previous years we cheered the hero, booed the villain and generally entered into the spirit of things.
Author: john
Christmas Party with Disco
We had our Christmas Party and Disco in the newly refurbished Hall at Wesley Memorial Church.
We also had some surprise visitors, and a birthday bonus !
We did some serious discoing
After this Phab do not meet again until the the Pantomime on January 6th.
Another event to look forward to in January will be the Moonrakers concert on January 27th – tell your friends and family, who can book tickets via Oxford Playhouse.
Christmas meal at Hinksey Heights Golf Club
We were made very welcome at the Clubhouse of the Hinksey Heights Golf Course, where Mary (from the Golf Club, not Oxford Phab Mary) and her team cooked and served a delicious meal.
We all enjoyed it tremendously and look forward to a continuing relationship with the Golf Club.
Christmas Bingo
Bowling at The Hollywood Bowl
Annual General Meeting 2016
We held our our Annual General Meeting at Wesley Memorial. We had reports from the Chair and Treasurer, and elected the committee for next year.
The Roy Lewis award, which is presented annually for the organisers of the event the members considered the most enjoyable in the last year, was awarded to Danny and his Mum.
We also discussed forthcoming events
Zumba for Children in Need
We joined an energetic crowd at The Christian Life Centre on Cowley road for an evening of Zuma, with Phab performing a routine we first learnt with George Martini at Phab a few weeks ago.
We had a great time, as well as raising money for Children in Need.
Banbury Phab Halloween Disco
Hot dogs, Hot chocolate and games
As the weather becomes colder, and the evenings darker, it is time for some warming and tasty food.
We ate hot dogs, and cake, and drank – amongst other options – hot chocolate with marshmallows.
Afterwards as well as our normal chatting some of us played the card game Sevens.
Zumba in the refurbished Hall.
This was the first time was had Zumba in the Hall at Wesley Memorial Church since it was refurbished, and we appreciated the extra space to move around.
Once again George Martini came to lead us – we look forward to his sessions.
Zumba can be very fast,
Sometimes it is a little slower.
But it is always fun !