Avon Tyrrell 2019 – Canoeing, Zipwire, Archery and Pizzas !

Unfortunately the hoist at the boathouse was broken, so only a small group (who also had to be prepared to forego a Sunday lie-in) were able to go canoeing.

As we always find, the instructor was very good, and had everybody playing ‘tag’ – which he was much better at than everybody else !

A group, mostly of members who had not been able to have a go last year, had a chance to try the Zip Wire.

It was a thrilling experience !

While some members were on the Zip Wire, others were trying their hand at Archery, as we did last year.

Having worked up a good appetite we returned to the Lodge for home made pizza as our Pizza Night in June had gone so well.

Fueled by our lunch we loaded the minibus and cars and went home for a rest !

Beetle Drive

Oxford Phab aims to provide activities for a wide range of abilities, and often games are played in a spirit of co-operation. Beetle can bring out the less patient side in everybody, which is why there is no record from tonight of anybody actually playing Beetle. Once games started there were no spare moments for photography. In the Phab spirit we felt the anguish of those throwing every number except six, while others on the table were trying to complete a Beetle, and kept throwing sixes which were useless to them.

Our final winner generously shared out the prize chocolates with the whole club.


As the Christian Aid Market was setting up in the John Wesley Room, we set up the Hall, both for those who wanted to sit and chat, and an area to play Boccia. This gave the Boccia players an appreciative audience.

It was great to have Hank and Joy join us for a game of Boccia. We all love to try new things and Boccia was new to them.

Tom refereed, and the games were often exciting, sometimes the jack would be hit and moved at the last minute, completely changing the state of play.

Easter Bingo

Who would not want to win some Easter Chocolate ? (Non chocolate prizes were also brought by thoughtful members for those who can not have chocolate.) Members bring prizes and then play Bingo to win them.

Above you can see us enjoying the game.

Our activities could not happen if our members can not get to events, and we are very fortunate to have our own Minibus and the kind volunteer drivers who make this possible. We were especially lucky today as the minibus had been showing a fault with the ABS, and we could not take passengers until this was fixed. We left the minibus with Rygor on Thursday evening, and they looked at it on Friday morning, ordered the required part and fixed it in time for us to collect it and do the Friday evening transport run. Many thanks to the Rygor staff for fixing it, and Chris for driving.