Phab South East Fun Weekend – Sunday

After breakfast and an optional, but well attended and inspiring Morning Worship session, we went into a Team Building activity.
We worked in teams, Oxford Phab had the assistance of the Wheelchair Dance Sport Association, and given supplies of cake, swiss roll, chocolate buttons, fondant icing, icing sugar and similar ingredients and told to construct something related to a season.
wp-1448189680642So what can you make from cake ?
wp-1448189754034This is not a snowman – once coloured in this will be a maypole dancer !
wp-1448192033873Here is the final result – there is a maypole, complete with dancers – one in a wheelchair, a cake stall and a coconut shy – for added realism the coconuts are glued to the stands !
wp-1448192414437Other groups made a bonfire, a snowman, a ski scene and other seasonal themes, but after much deliberation ours was declared the best !!!
wp-1448192808870For added realism our spring fête ended in a washout !
We finished the event with presentations and lunch, and then went home on the minibus.

Phab South East Fun Weekend – Saturday

After breakfast and an introduction session we split into groups. I went for Food !

Morning Workshop – Cookery

wp-1448103260014Paul taught us to cook a range of tasty dishes, using simple ingredients and – for the cooked dishes – a single ring portable gas cooker.
wp-1448107614251Simple deserts – cheesecake and banoffi pie
Paul also cooked Chicken in mushroom sauce, a Paella, and a Chorizo, New potato and Haddock One Pot – all within 2 hours on a single ring, from scratch.
wp-1448107679428Unfortunately I had eaten most of the One Pot (and all of the Paella and Chicken), before I remembered to take a picture !
This was followed by a buffet lunch – people who had other sessions were probably hungrier than I was.

 Afternoon Workshop – Amazing Animals

The guy from Amazing Animals brought a range of animals for us to see, or  – in some cases – touch.
wp-1448116620645Anyone who wanted to could hold a Hissing Cockroach
wp-1448117140046This is a giant stick insect
wp-1448117488206This is a Cane Toad – which we were not allowed to handle, as it secretes a toxic fluid.
wp-1448117933938And this a giant bullfrog.
wp-1448118789690Here is a friendly Boa Constrictor
wp-1448120704694and a very friendly parrot !
There were also hedgehogs, a tortoise and a giant rabbit.

Wine tasting

wp-1448126645477As well as the Cookery demonstration Paul ran a most informative wine tasting session – he took us through six wines from a light fruity white to a full bodied red, and we were all surprised at what good value his choices were.

Evening Dinner

wp-1448134672113Our evening meal was accompanied by a raffle, party poppers, gift bags and balloon rockets – most of which were aimed at our good natured entertainer, who encouraged the various tables to take their best shot.
There was also wheelchair dancing and a disco.

Phab South East Fun Weekend – Friday

Off in our minibus to Chichester for a Phab South East Fun Weekend
wp-1448019383343Going round Oxford and Abingdon, loading
wp-1448030483893Lunch at MacDonalds
We checked in to the hotel,  and unpacked in our rooms, and then it was time for the ice breaker activity.
wp-1448046301620Mingling in the bar, trying to find people Chelsea supporters and people who are allergic to cats. A good icebreaker as there are people from all over the South East here.
wp-1448051711914During the meal we were entertained by an excellent singer.
20151120_210200The meals at the hotel were good – here we have reached the coffee stage, still enjoying the entertainment.
This was followed by more chatting and entertainment until people drifted off to bed.

Murder Mystery Evening

Phab were invited to the Wesley Memorial Open Doors Murder Mystery evening.  This included a meal, being prepared here.
The hall was set up.
Tables were labelled with the names of famous detectives.
We are Oxford after all – we also had Lewis,  as well as Rebus and so on from other places.
Here is the Hall filled with aspiring detectives.
The players in action
Enjoying the meal.
The Inspector reveals the result, which was a surprise to my table,
We alway enjoy joint activities with the church.