Art and Crafts Day at Hounslow Phab in the new Minibus

Very first passenger boarding our new minibus
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and once everyone is on board – off to Hounslow Phab
where we took part in a range of craft activities
out of a wide selection – making stuffed toys, jewellery making, decorated candles, photography …
you could even have a manicure !
We were very fortunate in the raffle too !
and finally (once we could get our minibus out – it is the one behind the white Transit) it was time to go home

Beetle Drive in conjuction with the John Wesley Society

On Friday 27th April we held a Beetle Drive, in conjunction with the John Wesley society, in aid of the Wesley Memorial Open Doors project.
The evening gave Phab members and JWS and church members a chance to socialise, and get to know each other a little. As well as playing Beetle, we ate hot dogs, and Beetle Biscuits. There were prizes (of chocolate bars) for the best drawn Beetles. Unfortunately the prize for best Beetle costume went unawarded this time, so someone missed out on even more chocolate.DSCN0413

First Aid Training

We had an evening of First Aid Training. We learned how to put someone into the recovery position, how and when to apply basic cardio-pulmonary resuscitation CPR), how to report an emergency and many other useful skills. We also had a lot of fun !

06062008258There is a special Resusci Anne for babies.

06062008261Can you spot the difference ?

06062008259CPR on a larger version

13062008301George is very happy with his bandaging ability

13062008304Sarah tying a sling for Simon

13062008307Demonstration of how to apply a head bandage

13062008308A happy accident victim

13062008310And another

13062008311And two more – by the end of the night we were starting to look like a plague of mummies !

Phab South East Youth Weekend

April 12th to 13th 1997

Phab South East Region have organised a youth weekend, aimed at young people from 16 to 26 approximately. This is your chance to meet other Phab members from the South East, have your say in the future of the organisation and generally have an enjoyable weekend.


  • Representation of Young People in Phab
  • Responsibilities of being a committee member
  • Giving young people a chance
  • Letting young people have their say
  • What do you want from Phab South East
  • Phab South East in the next millennium


John Kelly


Kingfisher Barn,

Transport from Oxford bus and railway stations will be available – please arrange it when you book


From 10:00 am Saturday April 12th until 4:00 pm on Sunday April 13th


£10 including accommodation and meals