Zumbathon – fun fundraiser.

We picked a hot evening for our Sponsored Zumbathon, but George’s enthusiasm, and plentiful supplies of water and squash kept us going.
That, and the need to raise funds to keep doing fun things. Some members have individual donation pages for the event. If you know someone who has one please use it, or the paper form if they are using those. Otherwise donations are welcome via the Club Fundraising page at https://mydonate.bt.com/charities/oxfordphabclub.

High Energy George, even in the heat

No slacking for us either !

Following Kelly’s lead

Two Georges

To find out more about our Fundraising, and how you can Donate, please see our Donate page.

Cookery Night

We did a survey of our members to see what we should cook, asking everyone to rank the dishes in order out of these choices.

  • Noodles
  • Pizza
  • Burgers
  • Mexican

The winners were Noodles and Pizza (though we also cooked burgers for those who did not eat either of the group winners)

Preparing ingredients in the kitchen

Before the start of the club night a small team prepared the ingredients for all the dishes we were going to cook, and made pizza dough.

Members chose their selection of toppings and put them on a pizza base. We had

  • cheese
  • passata
  • spinach leaves
  • mushrooms
  • spring onions
  • pineapple
  • peppers
  • sweetcorn
  • chicken, which we had cooked in the preparation stage
  • sausages, also pre-cooked and chopped up

The preparation team had been busy !
The pizzas were put into the oven in batches.
And were then enjoyed !
We also had mixed salad, and fruit salad for those who wanted to add some healthy extras.

After the pizza round we had a choice of vegetarian noodles, with mushrooms, broccoli and peppers, or a chicken and cashew nuts one – or a bit of both !
Many thanks to Maria who masterminded the event.

Playing Beetle

The object of the game is to draw a Beetle, rolling a dice to see which bit you can draw next, but you have to have a body or a head before you can start to add other pieces to them. Some throw swiftly – in some cases so swiftly that the dice ends up on the floor, others take their time, focussing on the dice and willing the elusive six (or five) to get them started.
The first player to complete a Beetle calls out and everybody stops, and counts the score of the pieces they have drawn, and then the player with the highest score at each table moves to the next table clockwise, and the lowest score moves anti-clockwise. The game is thus sociable as well as allowing us to practice our mathematical, in in come cases, artistic talents (some people draw really elaborate beetles, while others – don’t).

Let's Zumba !

George Martini came to have another Zumba session with us, and also agreed to do a Sponsored Zumba Event on the 13th of July.
Also in forthcoming events, Wesley Memorial Church are celebrating Hospitality Sunday on the 10th of June, and are hoping to have a signed item in the service, which starts at 10:30. Phab members are welcome, and there will be a light lunch afterwards, so please let Mary know if you want to come.
With the discussion of future events out of the way we got on with the Zumba.


Oxford Folk Weekend concert

Wesley Memorial Church served as one of the venues for the Oxford Folk Weekend. We met, as usual, in the John Wesley Room, but this was doubling as a cafe for the occasion, so some members bought a snack or a drink, and admired the stalls selling accordions, and other Folk related items.

We then went though into the sanctuary,  which had been transformed into a music venue, and listened to The Skeptics, and then after an interval False Lights. We are very grateful to the bands, and the the organisers of the Folk Weekend for a very enjoyable evening.

Easter Bingo

We bring chocolates, and some non-chocolate goodies, for those who have to avoid it, and then we play Bingo, winning  a prize for a line, then for two lines and then for a full house, until all the chocolate is gone.

After a few rounds we do not clear the sheets once someone has a full house, but play on until everyone has won a prize. We have some larger eggs, and then a lot of mini eggs, so if our members have already won a large egg, then they can still win mini eggs, but leave larger prizes for others.
For those of us who are learning BSL it is a chance to practice our numbers.