Normal Club

After all the excitement of our club holiday at Avon Tyrrell, we had a quiet evening at Wesley Memorial Church, chatting and telling those who were unable to participate in the holiday all about it.
Unfortunately we came out from the club night to find that our minibus had been boxed in, with cars (without Blue Badges) very close, both front and rear. They obviously did not read the sign on the back of the minibus, which asks for a 3 metres behind the bus so we can get the lift out and load the bus. It took some skilful manoeuvring to extract the minibus before we could load.


Not a lazy Sunday at Avon Tyrrell – breakfast, more activities, and packing to go home

Breakfast was not as elaborate as the Full English we had on Saturday, we had a tasty continental breakfast instead.

We followed this with more activities. People who had not had a chance to do the High Ropes on Saturday now had a chance.

All this activity gave us a good appetite for Chicken Casserole for lunch.
We packed out bags, loaded the minibus and cleaned the chalets.

Finally we had the group photography – always an activity in itself  !
Here Helen and Simon are setting up cameras on auto timers to take the picture of the group gathered outside the cabin.

The seaside at Avon Beach

Oxford is a long way from the sea, so when we have the chance on a Phab holiday, we love to go the the sea. Last year we went crabbing at Mudeford, but this time we went for a evening trip to get Fish and Chips from All Things Fish at Avon Beach (OSM).

After eating we enjoyed being at the seaside, looking for shells and pebbles, paddling, and watching the view of the Isle of Wight.

Archery at Avon Tyrrell

We brought out our inner Robin Hood in a couple of Archery sessions, split into two groups so everyone had plenty of opportunity to have a go.
Once again they had a gadget which allows archery, using a standard bow in a clamp, with a gate latch to release the bowstring.

Everyone who wanted to was able to have a go at archery.

This is just a selection of those who took part.


Evening meal and Campfire at Avon Tyrrell

After our swim some of us played games in the large chalet.

We had a choice of pasta carbonara or pasta with tomato sauce for our evening meal, with salad and home made coleslaw.
The drink in the wine glass is elderflower and pomegranate, rather than rosé!
After the meal we went down to the campfire site by the lake, and built a fire.


We toasted marshmallows, and sang campfire songs.


Oxford Phab at Avon Tyrrell in June 2017 – the beginning

When does a Phab holiday begin ? The official start was everyone assembling at 10:30 to board the Minibus, and three cars (we were joined by another one later with members who had to work during the day on Friday), and set off for the New Forest.
Before that plans had been made, food and other supplies bought, meals cooked and frozen and a host of other activities to make sure the holiday was a success.
The actual loading was very much the same as in 2015 and 2016, and the journey uneventful, but we were still pleased to arrive,  have a picnic lunch in front of the house, and then, once our chalets were free, unload.