Farewell, Terry Wogan

We encountered Terry Wogan a few times during our various Phab activities, most notably when we were presented with our Green Minibus by the Lords Taverners, at a charity cricket match.
He signed autographs, joked with our members, and talked cricket with Roy, our chairman at the time, who was a fellow cricket enthusiast.
Sir Terry’s readily distinguishable voice on the radio, and work for many good causes will be greatly missed.

Church Partnership Party

Phab were invited to the church party which was held in Cowley Road Methodist Church.
Which People do we recognise ?
There were quizzes on Flags, People, and Streets of Oxford,  as well as games for all ages
After the quizzes we had a plentiful supper, some  singing and then a barn dance, before it was time to go home.  A huge thank you to the congregation of Cowley Road Methodist Church for making us so welcome.

Lord Mayor's challenge

The Lord Mayor of Oxford, Councillor Rae Humberestone, visited Oxford Phab to meet the members (several of whom he knew already) and take part in a quiz, with a baked potato supper and a game of Boccia.
We were joined by visitors from Wesley Memorial Church, in particular from the Open Doors project and the John Wesley Society, which made it a particularly enjoyable evening.

The arrival

DSCF1475Mary and Helen welcoming the Lord Mayor.
DSCF1468The Mayor greeting members.

The quiz

Helen had prepared a quiz, so we divided up into four teams,

The Mayor’s team – called The Chain Gang – working on the quiz

Some of the other teams, hard at work.
DSCN6576Helen reading out the questions.

The supper

After the quiz we ate a meal of jacket potatoes with savoury mince, tuna, cheese or baked beans, followed by tea or coffee.

Boccia in the Church

We moved through into the church, where there was more space for a game of Boccia.
DSCF1504Trisha enjoying Boccia in the church
The Mayor bowled well, but his team did not quite catch up with the lead the General Ignorance team had built up in the quiz.

Presenting the prizes

At the end of the evening the Lord Mayor presented The Lord Mayor’s Challenge Cup to some members of the winning team. There were also chocolates which were shared with anyone who wanted one.
We hope Rae will be able to return next year, as Deputy Mayor for another Lord Mayor’s Challenge

Secure (https) version of the Oxford Phab website now available

The Oxford Phab web site is now available over a secure (encrypted) connection at https://oxford-phab.paladyn.org
As the pages are public this is mostly a building block to allow for improved privacy and security should this be required for future developments.
Thanks to the Let’s Encrypt project for the SSL Certificate.