We had a stall at Cowley Road Carnival, where we sold home made sweets, and had games and a badge maker.
We set up next to Oxford Spires Rotary – a great group of people. Oxford Phab were one of the charities they supported in 2014.
We had publicity material, a badge making machine, home made sweets, lollipop tombola and a ‘Guess the name of the bear’ competition. Here we are – set up under our green gazebo before the public arrive.
And here is a quiet moment, blowing up Phab balloons to hand out – note that the gazebo is now white ! Thanks to Simon for bringing his at short notice.
Trisha and Kelly handing out balloons
Our delicious array of home made fudge, peppermint creams, coconut ice and other treats, and badges being made.
We had some illustrious visitors:Miss Oxfordshire chatting to Kelly
The Mayor of Oxford visited our stall.
Overall we raised over £120, more people have heard of us and seen what we do, and enjoyed our sweets and games.
Category: Fundraising
Things we do to raise money
Wesley Memorial Church Garden Party 2015
We were invited to the Wesley Memorial Church Garden Party, where people from church and Phab could swim, play games, sit and chat, and enjoy cream teas, and home baked cakes.
The proceeds from the event were donated to Oxford Phab, and raised over £300.
Oxford Phab held a Zumbathon on Saturday June 20th 2015
Our poster for the event is here zumba fundraising event.pub – Please print it and display it, or forward it to anyone you know who may be interested.
Zumba is a popular activity on club nights, but for this fundraising event we want others to come, have fun, get fitter, and contribute to our club funds !
There will be Stalls and Refreshments from 10am to 1pm, and Zumba from 11am until 12:30pm
The cost is £5 per person, the Zumba Instructor will be George Martini, and the event took place at Wesley Memorial Methodist Church Hall, New Inn Hall Street, Oxford, OX1 2DH
In the end we raised over £400 for club funds – thank you to everyone who contributed or took part, particularly to George and his friends.
Heartbeat Hike 2015
A bright and early start promises a good day as we assemble in Oxford, before boarding our new minibus to go to Heartbeat Hike.
‘Characters from Musicals’ was the fancy dress theme this year.
We drove to Hyde Park.and assembled near the bandstand
Where we were greeted by Alain Paver and Ed Stewart who announced the start of the walk.
This is not a race, but an opportunity to walk, or wheel, or whatever, around the Serpentine with friends.
Some of Oxford Phab on the move
Stopping for refreshment at Checkpoint C
They had ice cold squash – lovely on a warm day !Back to the bandstand – where the winners of the ‘best female’ fancy dress are announced. The one on the left looks – apart from being a bit green – quite like our Trisha, but who is the Ogre on her right ?
It is Kelly ! – Congratulations to both of you !
We also had musical entertainment from The Scallywags, the ‘Just Go With It’ band …and Helen from Oxford Phab !
Heartbeat Hike 2013
This year Heartbeat Hike was on Sunday 16th June 2013. Some of the club – like many other Phab members from all over the South East – walked around the Serpentine.Oxford Phab assisted with Checkpoint A, at the Bandstand, where we registered walkers, helped with enquiries and congratulated those who have finished.
Some of the club – like many other Phab members from all over the South East – walked around the Serpentine.
Some were in fancy dress – here is Robin Hood and his Shadow…
Dancing !
Everyone dance !
Oxford Fun Run 2012
Oxford Phab had over a dozen people participating in the Rotary Club of Oxford Oxford Fun Run – if you were part of our team, thank you. If not – please sponsor them.
After all the dismal weather which preceded the event the sun shone on the day.
Although we were overtaken by all the runners
Even Smurfs
We kept going
and going and going – and despite some technical issues – completed the distance.
Time for a Photo Opportunity with Oxford East MP Andrew Smith, and then we went off for a barbeque at the Oxford School of English.
Heartbeat Hike 2011
Once again Phab clubs from all over the South East converged on Hyde Park for Heartbeat Hike.Oxford Phab manned the registration desk and checked everyone in.
People setting off to go round the Serpentine
Entertainment at the bandstand included the excellent Rockingpaddy.
Heartbeat Hike 2008
The theme for Heartbeat Hike this year was Green – and the weather was fine and sunny.
We had an early start
The Green theme
Another Green message
Special Transport took us to Hyde Park
Where we checked people in
before the start of the hike
and handed out medals at the end.
The Phab Twelve Days of Christmas

The Phab Twelve Days of Christmas

On the First Day of Christmas the Phab Club gave to me
A holiday to Euro-Disney
On the Second Day of Christmas the Phab Club gave to me
Two meals out
And a holiday to Euro-Disney
On the Third Day of Christmas the Phab Club gave to me
Three Theatre Visits
Two meals out
And a holiday to Euro-Disney
On the Fourth Day of Christmas the Phab Club gave to me
Four Book Fayres
Three Theatre Visits
Two meals out
And a holiday to Euro-Disney
On the Fifth Day of Christmas the Phab Club gave to me
Five Heartbeat Hikes
Four Book Fayres
Three Theatre Visits
Two meals out
And a holiday to Euro-Disney
On the Sixth Day of Christmas the Phab Club gave to me
Six Karaokes
Five Heartbeat Hikes
Four Book Fayres
Three Theatre Visits
Two meals out
And a holiday to Euro-Disney
On the Seventh Day of Christmas the Phab Club gave to me
Seven Disco Nights
Six Karaokes
Five Heartbeat Hikes
Four Book Fayres
Three Theatre Visits
Two meals out
And a holiday to Euro-Disney
On the Eighth Day of Christmas the Phab Club gave to me
Eight Barbecues
Seven Disco Nights
Six Karaokes
Five Heartbeat Hikes
Four Book Fayres
Three Theatre Visits
Two meals out
And a holiday to Euro-Disney
On the Ninth Day of Christmas the Phab Club gave to me
Nine Garden Parties
Eight Barbecues
Seven Disco Nights
Six Karaokes
Five Heartbeat Hikes
Four Book Fayres
Three Theatre Visits
Two meals out
And a holiday to Euro-Disney
On the Tenth Day of Christmas the Phab Club gave to me
Ten Fantastic Day trips
Nine Garden Parties
Eight Barbecues
Seven Disco Nights
Six Karaokes
Five Heartbeat Hikes
Four Book Fayres
Three Theatre Visits
Two meals out
And a holiday to Euro-Disney
On the Eleventh Day of Christmas the Phab Club gave to me
Eleven New Friends
Ten Pin Bowling
Nine Garden Parties
Eight Barbecues
Seven Disco Nights
Six Karaokes
Five Heartbeat Hikes
Four Book Fayres
Three Theatre Visits
Two meals out
And a holiday to Euro-Disney
On the Twelfth Day of Christmas the Phab Club gave to me
Twelve DVD Nights
Eleven New Friends
Ten Pin Bowling
Nine Garden Parties
Eight Barbecues
Seven Disco Nights
Six Karaokes
Five Heartbeat Hikes
Four Book Fayres
Three Theatre Visits
Two meals out
And a holiday to Euro-Disney
Words by Helen, Tune Traditional.
Phabulous Evening of Entertainment
After many nights of rehearsals, we produced our Phab concert on Saturday 14th June.
The Compère’s script gives a flavour of the variety of acts and talents within the club and it’s friends.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Oxford Phab and Friends are delighted to welcome you to our Fabulous evening of fun entertainment.
You have seen the on the television, you have bought the CD’s (some of you) = Now here they are in person – the Fabulous Spice Girls.
The Spice girls number featured a high energy performance by Liz, Kathrine, Kathryn, Anna, Penny and Kelly, and glitzy skirts from the Wesley Memorial costume collection.

Some of the club members who would have liked to have taken part could not be here tonight, Catherine has recorded a couple of songs for us. – The first is ‘Killing me Softly’, accompanied by Liz on the harmonica, the second is ‘Our Father in Heaven’ which she wrote herself. Catherine is in Germany at her cousin’s confirmation.
Tom is also away – doing something even more exciting than being in a Phab concert and here he is to tell us about it.
Tom’s video greeting explained that he was away on the sail training ship ‘Lord Nelson‘
Catherine’s video contained a BSL signed explanation that she was not here, followed by her playing and singing two songs.
I am sure we all wish Tom smooth sailing, and Catherine would like me to remind you that you can buy a tape of her songs with proceeds to charity.
And now I am sure you have never seen such delightful sisters as Mary and Penny.
Mary and Penny, both dressed in cream shirts and blue skirts sang ‘Sisters‘, accompanied by Stephen on the piano.

You have heard Stephen accompany Mary and Penny but now you have a chance to hear him play Chopin’s Fantasia Impromptu in C sharp minor.
Stephen played the Grand Piano in the church for us.
Now our very own Television Star, taking time off from her appearances in Judgement Day, Test the Nation, Love Match and Nobody Likes a Smartass – the Amazing Helen
Helen sang ‘Greatest Love of All‘ – which with its themes of the importance of dignity and self worth struck a chord with us.
I’m glad I don’t have to follow that, but somebody has to – Please give a warm welcome to Hugo and his accordion.
Hugo played the accordion, a virtuoso performance, which was followed by chicken jokes from Anna, Mary and John, as a filler while Kathryn, Liz, Anna, Wendy, Kathryn, Vicky, Mary, Di and Penny came on stage, dressed as chickens and sang ‘We are poultry’ and danced to the tune of ‘We are Family‘

Hey little hen, when, when, when will you lay me and egg for my tea – and talking of tea – Tea and coffee are now served in the Hall
We have a twenty minute interval.
After refreshments we, and our audience, returned to the church
Welcome back – introducing our second half we have Danny as Gareth Gates, and his Glamorous Dancers.
Danny took on the role of Gareth Gates in Spirit in the Sky, while the glamorous dancers were Liz, Katherine, Kathryn, Penny and Anna, transformed from poultry to glamour by means of the Wesley Memorial glitzy skirts, and joined by Kelly.

For Wesley Memorial regulars Jim needs no introduction – so he’s not getting one !
Jim sang, accompanying himself on the guitar, but I do not have a note of the songs he sang.
Thank you Jim, and now – Fleeter of Foot that Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers – Katherine and Liz – take it away girls !
Katherine and Liz, dressed in black trousers, silver waistcoats and sparkly hats performed a tap dance routine which has been choreographed by Katherine.
Now for a change of pace – One of my favourite people – Penny – singing ‘My Favourite Things‘.
Penny sang this uplifting song from Mary Poppins.
Thank you, Penny. Now accompanied by the versatile Hugo, this time playing the piano – Kathryn
I do not have a note of what Kathryn sang,
She was followed by Tom, our treasurer and member of the Wesley Memorial choir, singing Close Every Door to Me, from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.
Next came a slightly adapted version of ‘Jolly Holiday‘, particularly appropriate for our club as we have had many Jolly Holidays with Mary.
Mary then introduced our final song – ‘I wish I knew how it would feel to be free/One‘ which we then signed and sang, bringing the evening to a close.

Helen wrote a poem, published in the Autumn 2003 issue of Keeping In Touch, the National Phab magazine, which went as follows:
We were getting short of money
And had to think of an idea
To raise money for our group
Not and easy task I fear
We put our heads together
And a concert we planned
With dancing and singing
We knew it would be grand
Preparation needed quickly
Dance rehearsals soon did start
Making costumes, learning songs
And doing bits of art
A program soon developed
And loads of volumteers
We practised very thoroughly
With loads of sweat and tears
The night of the show soon came
We trembled with panic
Our audience were lovely
But back stage was all manic
The performance went well
The audience all enjoyed it
Two hundred pounds was made
You try it, don’t avoid it.