Art and Crafts Day at Hounslow Phab in the new Minibus

Very first passenger boarding our new minibus
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and once everyone is on board – off to Hounslow Phab
where we took part in a range of craft activities
out of a wide selection – making stuffed toys, jewellery making, decorated candles, photography …
you could even have a manicure !
We were very fortunate in the raffle too !
and finally (once we could get our minibus out – it is the one behind the white Transit) it was time to go home

Heartbeat Hike 2013

This year Heartbeat Hike was on Sunday 16th June 2013. Some of the club – like many other Phab members from all over the South East – walked around the Serpentine.
DSCN0950Oxford Phab assisted with Checkpoint A, at the Bandstand, where we registered walkers, helped with enquiries and congratulated those who have finished.DSCN0951Some of the club – like many other Phab members from all over the South East – walked around the Serpentine.
DSCN0957Some were in fancy dress – here is Robin Hood and his Shadow…
DSCN0960Dancing !
DSCN0964Everyone dance !