Our first activity was Archery
They have a clever device which holds a bow so it can be fired by pulling a cord
watching and waiting
The staff are very helpful – here is a short video
Off to Avon Tyrrell
Loading the minibus
Continue reading Off to Avon Tyrrell
Beetle Drive
With much rattling of dice our Beetle Drive began
Some Beetles were very artistic – but everyone had a good time
with a break for a light(ish) supper – of bread and cheese and pate and salad
and we raised money for the Wesley Memorial Open Doors project, which aims to make the rooms where we meet more accessible
Easter Bingo
Crafts Night
We made boxes with an Easter theme
Continue reading Crafts Night
Playing Boccia in the Hall
We had a game of Boccia, using tables as ramps to roll the ball down.
Peertube video link is here
Art and Crafts Day at Hounslow Phab in the new Minibus
Very first passenger boarding our new minibus
and once everyone is on board – off to Hounslow Phab
where we took part in a range of craft activities
out of a wide selection – making stuffed toys, jewellery making, decorated candles, photography …
you could even have a manicure !
We were very fortunate in the raffle too !
and finally (once we could get our minibus out – it is the one behind the white Transit) it was time to go home
New Minibus arrives !
Moonrakers Concert
Moonrakers did a concert at Wesley Memorial, in aid of its Open Doors project. It was enjoyed, not just by Phab, but by many members of the church and Moonrakers fans who came to hear them play.
Heartbeat Hike 2013
This year Heartbeat Hike was on Sunday 16th June 2013. Some of the club – like many other Phab members from all over the South East – walked around the Serpentine.Oxford Phab assisted with Checkpoint A, at the Bandstand, where we registered walkers, helped with enquiries and congratulated those who have finished.
Some of the club – like many other Phab members from all over the South East – walked around the Serpentine.
Some were in fancy dress – here is Robin Hood and his Shadow…
Dancing !
Everyone dance !