Simon nominated for Paul Hope Award

At a ceremony at the House of Commons Simon was awarded a certificate in recognition of his being nominated for the Paul Hope Award. The award is presented annually in memory of Paul Hope, who did much for Phab over many years, and potential recipients have to have helped further the aims of Phab in an outstanding way,
Here he is outside the House, holding his certificate.
dscn0524He was cheered on by several club members – unfortunately it was quite late when we left, but it was an amazing experience.

Programme 2003

These old programme entries are here so prospective new members can see the things we have done in the past, and to bring back memories for those who took part.
24-Jan-2003 – Botley Community Theatre Pantomime. At Botley Primary School, Elms Road. See Penny, Liz and Katherine in their starring roles £3.50 per ticket.
31-Jan-2003 – Ordinary Club
7-Feb-2003 – Ordinary Club
14-Feb-2003 – Out at Donnington Community Centre
21-Feb-2003 – Fish and Chips or Chinese Take Away
28-Feb-2003 – PHAB Area Committee Party at Rover Sports and Social Club
7-Mar-2003 – Pancakes
14-Mar-2003 – Bowling at Moonshine, Eynsham. Please be there at 7:30 ready to bowl at 8:00 pm. Cost £5.25 for a whole game. Please pay Mary on 21st Feb
21-Mar-2003 – 21st Party to celebrate the 21st Year of Oxford PHAB, Liz, Alan, Kathryn, Katherine and anyone who thinks they are 21 again.
28-Mar-2003 – Ordinary Club
4-Apr-2003 – Quiz Night
11-Apr-2003 – Meal Out – to be decided
16-May-2003 – Rehearsal for Concert
17-May-2003 – >Refreshments for Oxfam Booksale – Please bring cakes and help from 10:30 to 4pm
30-May-2003 – Rehearsal
31-May-2003 – Refreshments for AFPIC Booksale – Please bring cakes and help
6-Jun-2003 – Rehearsal
8-Jun-2003  – Sponsored Walk – Hyde Park, London. Come and see Princess Alexandra and Ed Stewart; and have fun. Please get lots of sponsors
13-Jun-2003 – Rehearsal
14-Jun-2003 – Concert – rehearsals from 1pm, CONCERT from 7:30pm
20-Jun-2003 – Pub trip to the King’s Arms, Sandford-on-Thames
4-Jul-2003 – Ordinary Club
5-Jul-2003 – Garden Party, in aid of Oxford PHAB and NCH
5-Jul-2003 – Phil’s birthday party at Donnington Social Club
11-Jul-2003 – Ordinary Club
18-Jul-2003 – Donnington Social Club
25-Jul-2003 – No PHAB
1-Aug-2003 – General Meeting about the constitution, followed by disco
22-Aug-2003 to 25-Aug-2003 – Youth Camp at East Mersea for 16-25 year-olds. £50
5-Sep-2003 – Ordinary Club
26-Sep-2003 – Ordinary Club
3-Oct-2003 – Craft Evening (please bring raffle prizes for next week’s Raffle at Donnington Social Club
10-Oct-2003 – Donnington Social Club
17-Oct-2003 – Craft Evening and Cake Making (please bring cakes for the bookfair)
18-Oct-2003 – Oxfam Bookfair. PHAB serving refreshments. We will need help from 9:30 to 4:30 and lots of cakes or crafts to sell.
24-Oct-2003 – Ordinary Club
25-Oct-2003 – Action for Children Bookfair. PHAB serving refreshments. (Can anyone help, and do refreshments from 10:00 to 2:00)
24-Oct-2003 – Dress rehearsal for (the musical we are not allowed to advertise for copyright reasons)
7-Nov-2003 – Baked Potato Evening
14-Nov-2003 – Ordinary Club
20-Nov-2003 – Chinese Meal EAMAYL, Park End Street. 7pm (Usual transport arrangements). £10 for meal.
21-Nov-2003 – No PHAB – EAMAYL meal on Thursday instead.
28-Nov-2003 – A.G.M.
5-Dec-2003 – Christmas Dinner at The Mitre, High Street – £15. All booking forms and £5 deposit must be with Mary by 28th November at the latest.
11-Dec-2003 – Carol sining in town centre. Meet at Wesley Mem at 6:15pm. Followed by mince pies etc.
12-Dec-2003 – No club
20-Dec-2003 – Christmas Party and Disco. Bring Friends, relations and party food or soft drinks to celebrate. 7:30 to 10:30 at Wesley Mem.

Phabulous Evening of Entertainment

After many nights of rehearsals, we produced our Phab concert on Saturday 14th June.

The Compère’s script gives a flavour of the variety of acts and talents within the club and it’s friends.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Oxford Phab and Friends are delighted to welcome you to our Fabulous evening of fun entertainment.

You have seen the on the television, you have bought the CD’s (some of you) = Now here they are in person – the Fabulous Spice Girls.

The Spice girls number featured a high energy performance by Liz, Kathrine, Kathryn, Anna, Penny and Kelly, and glitzy skirts from the Wesley Memorial costume collection.

Some of the club members who would have liked to have taken part could not be here tonight, Catherine has recorded a couple of songs for us. – The first is ‘Killing me Softly’, accompanied by Liz on the harmonica, the second is ‘Our Father in Heaven’ which she wrote herself. Catherine is in Germany at her cousin’s confirmation.

Tom is also away – doing something even more exciting than being in a Phab concert and here he is to tell us about it.

Tom’s video greeting explained that he was away on the sail training ship ‘Lord Nelson

Catherine’s video contained a BSL signed explanation that she was not here, followed by her playing and singing two songs.

I am sure we all wish Tom smooth sailing, and Catherine would like me to remind you that you can buy a tape of her songs with proceeds to charity.

And now I am sure you have never seen such delightful sisters as Mary and Penny.

Mary and Penny, both dressed in cream shirts and blue skirts sang ‘Sisters‘, accompanied by Stephen on the piano.

You have heard Stephen accompany Mary and Penny but now you have a chance to hear him play Chopin’s Fantasia Impromptu in C sharp minor.

Stephen played the Grand Piano in the church for us.

Now our very own Television Star, taking time off from her appearances in Judgement Day, Test the Nation, Love Match and Nobody Likes a Smartass – the Amazing Helen

Helen sang ‘Greatest Love of All‘ – which with its themes of the importance of dignity and self worth struck a chord with us.

I’m glad I don’t have to follow that, but somebody has to – Please give a warm welcome to Hugo and his accordion.

Hugo played the accordion, a virtuoso performance, which was followed by chicken jokes from Anna, Mary and John, as a filler while Kathryn, Liz, Anna, Wendy, Kathryn, Vicky, Mary, Di and Penny came on stage, dressed as chickens and sang ‘We are poultry’ and danced to the tune of ‘We are Family

Hey little hen, when, when, when will you lay me and egg for my tea – and talking of tea – Tea and coffee are now served in the Hall

We have a twenty minute interval.

After refreshments we, and our audience, returned to the church

Welcome back – introducing our second half we have Danny as Gareth Gates, and his Glamorous Dancers.

Danny took on the role of Gareth Gates in Spirit in the Sky, while the glamorous dancers were Liz, Katherine, Kathryn, Penny and Anna, transformed from poultry to glamour by means of the Wesley Memorial glitzy skirts, and joined by Kelly.

For Wesley Memorial regulars Jim needs no introduction – so he’s not getting one !

Jim sang, accompanying himself on the guitar, but I do not have a note of the songs he sang.

Thank you Jim, and now – Fleeter of Foot that Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers – Katherine and Liz – take it away girls !

Katherine and Liz, dressed in black trousers, silver waistcoats and sparkly hats performed a tap dance routine which has been choreographed by Katherine.

Now for a change of pace – One of my favourite people – Penny – singing ‘My Favourite Things‘.

Penny sang this uplifting song from Mary Poppins.

Thank you, Penny. Now accompanied by the versatile Hugo, this time playing the piano – Kathryn

I do not have a note of what Kathryn sang,

She was followed by Tom, our treasurer and member of the Wesley Memorial choir, singing Close Every Door to Me, from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.

Next came a slightly adapted version of ‘Jolly Holiday‘, particularly appropriate for our club as we have had many Jolly Holidays with Mary.

Mary then introduced our final song – ‘I wish I knew how it would feel to be free/One‘ which we then signed and sang, bringing the evening to a close.

Helen wrote a poem, published in the Autumn 2003 issue of Keeping In Touch, the National Phab magazine, which went as follows:

We were getting short of money
And had to think of an idea
To raise money for our group
Not and easy task I fear

We put our heads together
And a concert we planned
With dancing and singing
We knew it would be grand

Preparation needed quickly
Dance rehearsals soon did start
Making costumes, learning songs
And doing bits of art

A program soon developed
And loads of volumteers
We practised very thoroughly
With loads of sweat and tears

The night of the show soon came
We trembled with panic
Our audience were lovely
But back stage was all manic

The performance went well
The audience all enjoyed it
Two hundred pounds was made
You try it, don’t avoid it.

Programme 2002

These old programme entries are here so prospective new members can see the things we have done in the past, and to bring back memories for those who took part.
4-Jan-2002 – Ordinary Club
11-Jan-2002 – Ordinary Club
18-Jan-2002  – PHAB Area Committee Christmas party at Thame (to be confirmed)
25-Jan-2002 – Ordinary Club, with board games
1-Feb-2002 – PAC Disco at the Ferryman, Bablock Hythe. Disco Free, food £5.50 – let the committee know food orders by 25th Jan.
4-Feb-2002 (Mon) – Committee Meeting – 7.30pm
8-Feb-2002 – Hobbies and Interests Evening – Please let Mary or Simon know if you would like to talk to the group.
15-Feb-2002 – Beetle Drive
22-Feb-2002 – Chinese Meal at Eat As Much As You Like – Buffet £9.95. Please pay Mary a £5 deposit by 8th February. The meal is booked from 7.30pm – 9.30pm, so only those who have booked will be able to come and please be on time to eat at 7.30pm. *Please note early finish.
1-Mar-2002 – Video Evening
8-Mar-2002 – Global Rock Challenge at Apollo Theatre – See Mary or Simon as soon as possible to book your seats. (FREE!! We hope!)
15-Mar-2002 – Ordinary Club
22-Mar-2002 – Botley Community Theatre Pantomime at Matthew Arnold School – come and see Penny in her starring role, and lots more!
29-Mar-2002 – Sorry No Phab – Easter Holiday
5-Apr-2002 – Sorry No Phab
12-Apr-2002 – Ordinary Club
19-Apr-2002 – Pancakes
20-Apr-2002 (Saturday) – PHAB South East Regional Meeting
26-Apr-2002 – Ordinary Club
3-May-2002 – Video Evening
10-May-2002 – Bowling at Jardines, Aylesbury 7.30pm £4 to be paid on 3rd May
17-May-2002 – Eric Samuel speaking on Chinnor & Princes Risborough Railway and Merchant Navy Locomotive Preservation Society (Owners of No 35028 Clan Line) and Cake Making
18-May-2002 (Saturday) – OXFAM Bookfair – We shall be serving refreshments from 10am – 4pm and will need lots of volunteers and cakes – PLEASE SUPPORT US
20-May-2002 (Monday) – Committee meeting – 7.30pm
24-May-2002 – Ordinary Club – Fish & Chips or Chinese Please place order & pay on the 17th May
26-May-2002 (Sunday) – Heartbeat Hike – Sponsored Walk in Hyde Park, London Please ask Mary for sponsor forms
31-May-2002 – Hobbies & Interests Evening – Please let Mary or Simon know if you  wish to talk about or organise a activity
5-Jun-2002 (Wednesday) – Meal Out at EAMAYL – Please pay £10 to Mary or Simon on 24th May
14-Jun-2002 – Helen’s 18th Birthday Party & Disco at Wesley Memorial
21-Jun-2002 – Ordinary Club
28-Jun-2002 – Ordinary Club
5-Jul-2002 – PAC AGM, Disco and BBQ at Bablock Hythe. If you want the Barbecue you need to order and pay for it on 28th June.
12-Jul-2002 – Ordinary Club
19-Jul-2002 – Meal at The Fishes (if desired) or just come along to play Aunt Sally
26-Jul-2002 – We are trying to arrange to see the CanDo Dance Company, but if not then Ordinary Club – last regular PHAB until Friday 6th September.
17-August-2002 Saturday – Day Trip to London £10 including a flight on the London Eye.
Friday 23rd to Monday 25th August 2002 – Youth Camp at Mersea Island, Essex. Booking forms available from Mary. Cost £50.
6-Sep-2002 – Ordinary Club. Bring your holiday photos
13-Sep-2002 – Ordinary Club. Who Wants to be a Millionaire quiz night
20-Sep-2002 – Ordinary Club.
27-Sep-2002 – Trip to the Living Rainforest at Wyld Court, Newbury. If you want to go please let Mary know by 6th Sept with £6 payment. We shall leave Leon Close at 6pm for an atmospheric evening tour.
4-Oct-2002 – Ordinary Club
11-Oct-2002 – Ordinary Club
18-Oct-2002 – Cake Making
19-Oct-2002 – Refreshments for Oxfam Booksale.
We will need lots of help from 9:30am to 4:00pm.
Please bring cakes to sell.
25-Oct-2002 – No PHAB
27-Oct-2002 (Sunday) – Meal out at EAMAYL Chineese Buffet Restaurant, Park End Street. 7:30pm to 9:30pm. Please book with Mary and pay £5 deposit by 18th October. (Total cost of meal is approximately £10 plus drinks)
1-Nov-2002 – Ordinary Club
2-Nov-2002 (Saturday) -Providing refreshments for an AFPIC (Actions for Peoples in Conflict) booksale
8-Nov-2002 – Baked Potato Evening (£1.50)
15-Nov-2002 – Video evening
22-Nov-2002 – Annual General Meeting. Please give nominations for committee positions to Mary Eddy by 15th November.
29-Nov-2002 – Bowling at Moonshine, Eynsham from 7:30pm. Please pay Mary £5 by 22nd November
6-Dec-2002 – Making Christmas Decorations
13-Dec-2002 –Christmas Dinner. Meal served at 8pm. Please pay £5 by 6th December
20-Dec-2002 – Christmas Disco/Party

Programme 2001

These old programme entries are here so prospective new members can see the things we have done in the past, and to bring back memories for those who took part.
2-Feb-2001 – Pool Competition – organised by Alan!
9-Feb-2001 – Revamping website and promotions!
16-Feb-2001 – Who wants to be a millionaire
23-Feb-2001 – Pancake making and munching!
2-Mar-2001 – Meal out at the Paddyfields – £12.00 + drinks – 7:30pm
9-Mar-2001 – PAC Disco £3.50 (for food, disco free)
10-Mar-2001 (Saturday) – South East Regional meeting – see Mary for details
16-Mar-2001 – Beetle Drive
23-Mar-2001 – Bowling at Aylesbury £4 – meet at Leon Close at 7:00pm
30-Mar-2001 – Baking – please bring cakes !! (or ingredients)
31-Mar-2001 (Saturday) – Book Fair refreshments – please come and help – 9:30am to 2:00 pm
3-Apr-2001 (Tuesday) – Committee meeting – 7:30
6-Apr-2001 – Easter Egg Hunt
13-Apr-2001 – No PHAB
20-Apr-2001 – No PHAB
27-Apr-2001 – Ordinary Club
4-May-2001 – Who Wants to be a Millionaire
11-May-2001 – Paddyfields – 7:30 – bring £16 to £20
18-May-2001 – Ordinary Club
25-May-2001 – Chicken Run and Popcorn
1-Jun-2001 – Victoria Arms, Old Marston – 7:30
8-Jun-2001 – Ordinary Club
10-Jun-2001 (Sunday) – Heartbeat Hike – sponsored walk in Hyde Park
12-Jun-2001 (Tuesday) – Committee Meeting – 7:30 at Wesley Memorial
15-Jun-2001 – Pool Competition
22-Jun-2001 – Chocolate Evening and Quiz – Bring Choccy Goodies !!!
29-Jun-2001 – PHAB Area Committee AGM and Disco – book with Fran/Mary £3.50 approx
30-Jun-2001 (Saturday) – PHAB South East Regional Conference – See Mary or Roy
6-Jul-2001 – Bowling – pay £4 to Mary or Fran by 22nd June
13-Jul-2001 – Craft Evening
20-Jul-2001 – Party Games and Buffet – Bring a dish – Dot’s Birthday and Fran’s leaving
21-Jul-2001 – Garden Party – Swimming available for everyone !! Bring your cossies!!! – Musical items will be performed. Prices between £2 and £3.50. Garden open at 2:30, tea served at 3:30
10-Aug-2001 – Bowling at Jardines, Aylesbury
31-Aug-2001 – Paddyfields Chinese Buffet – 7:30 – bring £16 to £20
4-Sep-2001 (Tuesday) – Committee meeting at Wesley Memorial 7:30
7-Sep-2001 – NO PHAB
14-Sep-2001 – Ordinary Club
21-Sep-2001 – Ordinary Club
28-Sep-2001 – Ordinary Club – no transport but Wesley Mem open for PHAB 7pm to 9pm.
29-Sep-2001 – PAC Event at Bablock Hythe 2pm until evening with games, Jazz, Karaoke, food and FUN. £5 per head for BBQ
30-Sep-2001 (Sunday) – 3 pm – Helpers needed to make tea at Wesley Mem
5-Oct-2001 – Ordinary Club
12-Oct-2001 – Meal out at Longwall, Oxford Business Park
19-Oct-2001 – Making cakes
20-Oct-2001 (Saturday) – Oxfam Bookfair – volunteers needed all day to make refreshments
26-Oct-2001 – Ordinary Club
2-Nov-2001 to 4-Nov-2001 – Blackpool trip – cost £70
9-Nov-2001 – Ordinary Club
16-Nov-2001 – Ordinary Club
24-Nov-2001 – Bowling at Jardines – Aylesbury – meet at Leon Close at 6:30
30-Nov-2001 – Annual General Meeting
1-Dec-2001 (Saturday) – Fran and George’s Wedding
7-Dec-2001 – Ordinary Club
13-Dec-2001 (Thursday) – Carol Singing – Meet at Wesley Mem at 6pm
14-Dec-2001 – Christmas party and Disco – 7:30pm to 10:30 pm – this is to celebrate 20 years of Oxford PHAB, so make it a really great occasion by bringing friends and family, especially past members. Please bring savouries or cakes for a buffet supper.
16-Dec-2002 (Sunday) – 6:30 pm – all members are invited to the church’s candlelit carol service (sorry no transport)

Oxford PHAB trip to Blackpool

On Friday the second of November 2001 a group of intrepid Oxford PHAB club members set off on the long trek up the A34, M42, M5 and M6 to Blackpool. We drove our own minibus, and were accompanied by a Social Services minibus and driver.
blackpool-013Blackpool seafront at night from the pier.
blackpool-001This is the view of our minibus from the Social Service bus as we drive in convoy along the Promenade.
After spending Saturday visiting the attractions we returned to Oxford on Sunday 4th

Programme 2000

These old programme entries are here so prospective new members can see the things we have done in the past, and to bring back memories for those who took part.
7-Jan-2000 – Chocolate Evening
14-Jan-2000 – Your Club! Your Say! – Bring a photo or a phrase of PHAB in action
15-Jan-2000 (Saturday) – Book Fair Refreshments
21-Jan-2000 – PAC Disco and Presentation – £3 each (including food)
22-Jan-2000 (Saturday) – Botley Community Players – A Millenium Panto. At Matthew Arnold School – £3.50
28-Jan-2000 – Bowling at Jardines in Aylesbury – starts 7:30 – £4 – only 25 spaces available
4-Feb-2000 – Quiz evening
11-Feb-2000 – The Mitre – starts 7:30 – (£12.50 set menu) – only 25 spaces available.
18-Feb-2000 – Cake making
19-Feb-2000 (Saturday) – Book Fair Refreshments
25-Feb-2000 – Hobbies and Interests Evening
3-Mar-2000 – Beetle Drive and Supper with church!
10-Mar-2000 – Pancake making (and eating)
17-Mar-2000 – Ordinary Club – with a St. Patricks theme!
24-Mar-2000 – Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat! £16.50 per ticket at the Wycombe Swan Theatre – only 25 spaces available
31-Mar-2000 – Ordinary Club
7-April-2000 – Drama and Dance evening with Sian O’Neill
14-April-2000 – Karaoke and disco with Banbury and Thame – £2.40
21-Jul-2000 – Ordinary Club
22-Jul-2000 (Saturday) – Garden Party for PHAB at Harry and Olive’s. Garden open at 2:30, tea served at 3:30. Swimming. £3.50 adults £2 children.
23-Jul-2000 (Sunday) – Trip to Alton Towers. Those who have booked meet at 7:30 at Leon Close. Please assemble quietly as people will be asleep.
28-Jul-2000 – BBQ at Faringdon Infants School, Lechlade Road, Faringdon (Marys school). £2.50 per head. bring a game!
8-Sep-2000 – PHAB re-opens, bring your holiday pics.
15-Sep-2000 – Computer night.
29-Sep-2000 – Ordinary Club
6-Oct-2000 – Computer Evening
13-Oct-2000 – Bowling at Jardines Club, Aylesbury 19:30 – £4.00
20-Oct-2000 – Cake making – bring a cake
21-Oct-2000(Saturday) – Oxfam refreshments/Book sale – Please come and help
28-Oct-2000(Saturday) – Barleytime – a musical based on the story of Ruth. 7pm at Wesley Mem. £6 adults, £4 concessions.
3-Nov-2000 – Firework party
10-Nov-2000 – Disco and Karaoke – £2.50
17-Nov-2000 – AGM
24-Nov-2000 – Meal at the Mitre – 19:15 – £14.95 – £5 deposit to Mary and orders by 3rd November – 25 spaces
1-Dec-2000 – Quiz night
8-Dec-2000 – Video making
14-Dec-2000 – Carol singing – 6pm at Wesley Mem
16-Dec-2000(Saturday) – Christmas Dinner – 6pm – £5 per head. Must be booked in advance.