Our little convoy set off for Poole, where we found somewhere to park near the Quay.
Half our group boarded the Dolphin III, an accessible boat operated by the Friends of the Dolphin. The other half explored Poole, including a stop for ice cream, and for some a visit to Poole Museum.
Both groups met up to eat our sandwiches on the Quay, and then the afternoon boat party set off for our nautical adventure !
We all enjoyed our trip.
They even laid on a Optimist Dingy race for us !
Some of us even had a chance to take the helm !
Finally we had to return to rejoin the other group.
We all dined on fish and chips
and had our traditional group photograph on the Quay
Can you spot the difference ?
Finally we returned to Avon Tyrrell to eat cake, chat and play games.
Category: Holidays
Phab holidays
Phab Holiday in Avon Tyrrell – Friday – Travelling, Archery and Campfire
So many people (24) went this year that we used 5 cars. as well as our trusty minibus.
The weather was lovely, so the journey was dreadful ! As well as the normal attraction of a day at the seaside the Bournemouth Air Festival was in progress. Since its formation in 2009 the festival claims to have entertained over nine-million people, and they were all on the roads between Oxford and Avon Tyrrell that day !
We arrived, only a little late for the Archery session we had booked, hastily ate our sandwiches and unleashed our inner toxopholite (shoot arrows in the general direction of the target).
After archery we unloaded our luggage, and our valiant kitchen team cooked the choices we had selected of spaghetti bolognaise, pasta carbonara, or a vegetarian pasta option.
Another keen group of forest foragers had been gathering wood and pine cones, and we had another campfire in the fire pit next to the cabin.
We also had cherry tomatoes and baby sweetcorn as a vegetarian option, but delicious for everybody.
Not a lazy Sunday at Avon Tyrrell – breakfast, more activities, and packing to go home
Breakfast was not as elaborate as the Full English we had on Saturday, we had a tasty continental breakfast instead.
We followed this with more activities. People who had not had a chance to do the High Ropes on Saturday now had a chance.
Kelly ready for lift off
All this activity gave us a good appetite for Chicken Casserole for lunch.
We packed out bags, loaded the minibus and cleaned the chalets.
Finally we had the group photography – always an activity in itself !Here Helen and Simon are setting up cameras on auto timers to take the picture of the group gathered outside the cabin.
The seaside at Avon Beach
Oxford is a long way from the sea, so when we have the chance on a Phab holiday, we love to go the the sea. Last year we went crabbing at Mudeford, but this time we went for a evening trip to get Fish and Chips from All Things Fish at Avon Beach (OSM).
After eating we enjoyed being at the seaside, looking for shells and pebbles, paddling, and watching the view of the Isle of Wight.
High Ropes at Avon Tyrrell
We greatly enjoyed the High Ropes last time, and looked forwarded to challenging ourselves again this year.
Archery at Avon Tyrrell
We brought out our inner Robin Hood in a couple of Archery sessions, split into two groups so everyone had plenty of opportunity to have a go.
Once again they had a gadget which allows archery, using a standard bow in a clamp, with a gate latch to release the bowstring.
Everyone who wanted to was able to have a go at archery.
This is just a selection of those who took part.
Evening meal and Campfire at Avon Tyrrell
After our swim some of us played games in the large chalet.
We had a choice of pasta carbonara or pasta with tomato sauce for our evening meal, with salad and home made coleslaw.
The drink in the wine glass is elderflower and pomegranate, rather than rosé!
After the meal we went down to the campfire site by the lake, and built a fire.
We toasted marshmallows, and sang campfire songs.
Swimming at Avon Tyrrell
After unpacking in the chalets, we went down to the pool, which we had booked for a swim. The pool was heated, the sun was shining, a lovely start to our holiday!
Oxford Phab Holiday at Avon Tyrrell 2016 – Highlights
We had such a good holiday at Avon Tyrrell in 2015 that we decided to return, doing some of the same activities, and trying some different ones.
We booked the same chalet, with its large communal area for cooking, eating and socialising.
- Travel to Avon Tyrrell in the Silver Minibus, and a couple of cars.
- The first thing we did when we got there was to go swimming
- In the evening we had a Campfire
- On Saturday, after a leisurely brunch, we did Archery
- Then we went on the High Ropes
- We ended the day with a Eurovision Party
- On Sunday we returned home via Mudeford, where we ate a picnic and went crabbing
We hope our next holiday will be as good as this one !
We now have a video, made by Patti, of the highlights of the holiday.
We also have a PeerTube Playlist of videos from the holiday at https://peertube.paladyn.org/videos/watch/playlist/fe4d9703-76d7-4763-8968-cafa9486fc02 – more videos will be added as I get round to them
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