We played a variety of board games.
including Boggle.
Some passing visitors to Oxford also came in and sung to us!
Mary receives the Paul Hope Award
At a ceremony at the House of Lords Mary was awarded the Paul Hope Award for all her contributions to Oxford Phab, Phab South East and Phab Nationally over many years.
Here is Mary with Jackie of Unity 70. For the first time the award was shared between these two very deserving candidates.
Here is a video of her receiving the award.
There is an item about Mary receiving the award in the Autumn 2015 issue of KIT – the Phab magazine.
Jesus Chris Superstar
We went to Jesus Christ Superstar at the New Theatre. Fast paced with plenty of excellent musical numbers.
Last Boccia in the Hall before Open Doors work starts on the room
We had our last opportunity to play Boccia in the Hall at Wesley Memorial before work starts on the room as part of the Open Doors regeneration.
Hopefully this will sort out the floor, as my ball kept drifting away from where I bowled it – though this did not seem to affect the other bowlers !
Just after another good bowl.
Normal Club with Hama Beads
Serving Cream Teas in aid of Open Doors
A small group of Phab members served a range of home made cakes, and scones with jam and cream to the public in aid of the Wesley Memorial Open Doors project. We made over £75 as well as extending hospitality to a range of people from near and far.
We hope some fresh people got to see Phab in action raising money for another worthy cause.
Barbeque at Simon and Sarah's
Simon and Sarah once again rounded off our summer season by hosting a Barbeque in their garden.
Here are some early arrivals
and more of the club on our minibus
Burgers, sausages, chicken, vegetarian burgers and sausages, as well as salads and nibbles, and a range of drinks – plenty for everyone.
No Phab now until September – although hopefully some members will help us serve Cream Teas, in aid of the Wesley Memorial Open Doors project on August 8th.
Boccia – with our new Boccia set
We played Boccia in the John Wesley Room.
Using our new Boccia set – we had been borrowing Boccia sets before now to play.
The John Wesley Room is shorter than the Hall, so we set up tables as a backstop.
Knocking the white target ball away from its initial position is a perfectly valid – and sometimes successful – tactic.
and here we are on video !
Love Me Tender Musical at the New Theatre
We went to see Love Me Tender – packed with Elvis hits, with a nod to William Shakespeare. Another good night out.
Cowley Road Carnival 2015
We had a stall at Cowley Road Carnival, where we sold home made sweets, and had games and a badge maker.
We set up next to Oxford Spires Rotary – a great group of people. Oxford Phab were one of the charities they supported in 2014.
We had publicity material, a badge making machine, home made sweets, lollipop tombola and a ‘Guess the name of the bear’ competition. Here we are – set up under our green gazebo before the public arrive.
And here is a quiet moment, blowing up Phab balloons to hand out – note that the gazebo is now white ! Thanks to Simon for bringing his at short notice.
Trisha and Kelly handing out balloons
Our delicious array of home made fudge, peppermint creams, coconut ice and other treats, and badges being made.
We had some illustrious visitors:Miss Oxfordshire chatting to Kelly
The Mayor of Oxford visited our stall.
Overall we raised over £120, more people have heard of us and seen what we do, and enjoyed our sweets and games.